ArmFriend Agreement
1 General Terms of Use
1.1 The purpose of the ArmFriends Agreement is to ensure the proper protection of information about the users, including their personal data, against unauthorized access and disclosure.
1.2 Relationships associated with the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users of the ArmFriends app, shall be governed by the rules, other official documents of the Administration of the ArmFriends app, and the applicable laws of the Republic of Armenia.
1.3 By registering and using the ArmFriend app, the user expresses his consent to the terms of these rules.
1.4 In case of disagreement of the User with the terms of the rules, the use of ArmFriend app and its services must be terminated immediately.
2.Terms of use of the application
2.1 By providing services for the use of the ArmFriend app and its services, the Administration of the ArmFriend app, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User:
- Possesses all necessary rights allowing it to register and use the app;
- Provides accurate information about himself in the amounts necessary to use the application;
- Is aware of the fact that the information about him/herself in the application may become available to other users of the application;
- Aware that certain types of information transferred by him/her to other Users may not be deleted by the User himself/herself;
- Is familiar with these Rules, agrees with them and accepts the rights and obligations specified in them.
2.2 The administration of the ArmFriend app does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about the User, except when such verification is necessary for the administration of the ArmFriend app to fulfill its obligations to the User.
3. Purposes of information processing
The administration of the ArmFriend app shall process information about the users, including their personal data, in order to fulfill the obligations of the Administration of the ArmFriend app to the users regarding the use of the ArmFriend app.
4. Composition of user information
4.1 Personal data of Users
Personal data of Users includes:
4.1.1. Users' provided and minimally necessary for registration to the application: name, surname, gender, mobile phone number and/or email address;
4.1.2 Provided by Users using the edit section of their information in the Application (including date of birth, home town, sex);
4.1.3. additionally provided by users upon request of the Administration of the ArmFriend app in order for the Administration of the ArmFriend app to fulfill its obligations to the users. In particular, the Administration of the ArmFriend app shall be entitled to request a copy of an identification document from the User, or any other document containing the User's name, last name, photo, and other additional information, which, at the discretion of the Administration of the ArmFriend app, shall be necessary and sufficient to identify such User and prevent abuse and violation of third party rights.
5. Processing of user information
5.1 The processing of personal data shall be based on the principles of:
a) the lawfulness of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;
b) good faith;
c) compliance of the purposes of personal data processing with the purposes, predetermined and stated at collection of personal data, as well as with the powers of Administration of ArmFriend application;
d) compliance of the amount and nature of personal data processed, and the methods of processing personal data with the purposes of personal data processing;
e) inadmissibility of aggregation of databases containing personal data, created for incompatible purposes.
6. Rights and obligations of users
6.1 Users shall have the right:
6.1.1 Free access to information about themselves by
By uploading their personal pages into the application using their username and password;
6.1.2 Set desired level of privacy (terms of access to information) for information about themselves by using the tools of the ArmFriend app;
6.1.3. Independently make changes and corrections to the information about himself on the User's personal page in the application, provided that such changes and corrections contain valid and reliable information;
6.1.4. remove personal information from the User's personal page in the Application;
6.1.5. Demand that the Administration of the ArmFriend application clarify his personal data, block or destroy it, if such data is incomplete, outdated, unreliable, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing;
6.1.6. receive information from the Administration of the ArmFriend app, upon request, regarding the processing of his personal data.
7. Measures to protect information about the Users
7.1. Administration of ArmFriend app takes technical and organizational-legal measures to ensure protection of User's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unauthorized actions.
7.2 The User's login (email address or mobile phone number) and password shall be used to authorise access to the application. The User shall be responsible for the security of this information. The User shall not transfer their login and password to third parties and shall take measures to ensure their confidentiality.
7.3 In order to ensure a more secure protection of the User's information, the Administration of the ArmFriend app uses a system of linking the profile to a mobile phone. In order to implement this system, the User must provide the Administration of the ArmFriend app with their mobile phone number.
Within the system of linking the page to a mobile phone the User, in case of loss of login or password, can restore access to the page with the help of restore code, which is contained in the SMS-message, which the User receives to his mobile phone or email address.
8. Limitation of these Rules
These rules do not apply to the actions and Internet resources of third parties.
The administration of the ArmFriend app shall not be responsible for the actions of third parties who, as a result of the use of the Internet or the Site's Services, gain access to information about the User in accordance with the confidentiality level selected by the User, for the consequences of using information which, by the nature of the ArmFriend app, is available to any user of the ArmFriend app. The administration of the ArmFriend app recommends that the users take a responsible approach to the issue of the amount of information about themselves posted to the app